Monday, November 22, 2010

Java Still Sucks in Every Way

Sun names their Java installer "chromeinstall.exe" rather than "JavaInstallerForChrome.exe". Imagine that, I go to install Java, and I have to click on a competitor's brand name. Talk about a lack of perspective. One of many reasons Sun got bought for a song. The problem is that they haven't had any decent craftsmen at Java since pretty much the beginning.

Here's another example: I want it installed on my D: drive, not C:. The default is C:\Program Files (x68)\Java\jre6\. I click on Change> and select D:\Programs. That's where it would put it. The installer doesn't add Java\jreg6, and it doesn't help me add it either. For example, it doesn't fill in the dialog box with the recommendation, so I can simply edit it. I can't copy/paste it either because it's not selectable. I have to actually type \Java\jreg6\ if I want to preserve Sun's choice. If this were some obscure software, I'd forgive it. But this is Java! They've had about a thousand years to get this right, never have, and clearly you never will.

I'm installing Java for a meeting tomorrow. I have no need for Java, except that a customer wants to use GoToMeeting. Why doesn't GoToMeeting jettison java? It would be so much better.


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