Thursday, February 08, 2007

Confirmed: HDTV Isn't About Resolution

Techies oooh and aaah about HDTV picture quality. The general public couldn't care less.

Ask a typical person to compare HDTV to Comcast cable, and they'll tell you that HDTV is much, much better.

It's not the resolution that matters though. It's the fact that HDTV is digital.

Ask a typical person to compare HDTV to Dish Network, and they'll see a difference. But they wont' care. Would you pay $1,000 to upgrade your set to HDTV then pay Dish Network an extra fee every month? No way.

Why not? Because Dish Network is already digital. It has always been digital. I've had Dish Network for 10 years. I've had the benefit of HDTV for 10 years. Without spending any money on HDTV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, you must be on crack. HDTV is all about the resolution. Regular TVs display their picture in about the same resolution as VGA (640x480). HDTV's render frames at either 1280x720 or 1920x1080. With the more pixels, more detail can be put into the frame therefore the picture has a higher quality. Think about screen resolutions for your computer. The higher the resolution, the more it can display on the screen.

Now, if you are talking about SDTVs, a digital signal will produce a better picture because there is less noise in the signal. So your rant is correct and incorrect at the same time.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Everything you say about resolution is true. You obviously missed my point though, which is that people don't give a hoot about resolution. Witness the popularity of movies on small form factor devices.

9:43 AM  

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